Trainer/Equipping Evangelist


Discipling Another Driver.

Equipping Principles: Doctrinally, we disciple another driver to multiply gospel conversations in the local mission field. Practically, we equip every saint by example to spread more seed and more sowers of the Lord’s harvest.

Trainee goal for this section: Confidently open/close outings and equip another saint by example to start and steer simple gospel conversations.
Did the trainee successfully invite another driver/saint to be equipped by example in conversational evangelism?
Did the trainee confidently open and close the outings?
Did the trainee confidently demonstrate for the new driver how to start and steer gospel conversations?
Did the trainee also tag team to disciple the new driver in the basics of starting and steering gospel conversations?
Did you as Trainer commission your trainee by personally and publicly praying for them to continue equipping others by example for confident conversational evangelism?
Did you meet the minimum requirement of 8 field hours of training for this section of your training term?