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Equipping Evangelists Training Network (EETN) is a fellowship of experienced equipping evangelists credentialled and contracted with The Cross Current to personally train another likeminded saint for conversational evangelism alongside any others the evangelist is already equipping.

Below are your 3 training sections outlining your hourly objectives for your field training trips (click through each to find a simple syllabus to help you keep pace with each step of the training term). Audio and video materials are also contained to equip you and your trainee for faithful discipleship together. Please carefully review all media resources in preparation for each outing.

Additional Training Tips!

  • Additional Support. Your trainee should observe your example for half the scheduled time of each step, and they should do that step themselves for the other half of the scheduled time. Also, please always be ready to take the wheel and support your trainee should they get stuck at any point of the training.
  • Additional Study. Please plan on meeting indoors anytime bad the weather is bad to study the teaching points and tracts provided together. These teaching points include studying God, Self, Sin, Salvation from The Gospel of Jesus Christ comprehensive (bookmark) tract, Law and Gospel from the million dollar bill tract, and The 3 Big Questions from The 3 Big Questions tract.

Finally, to inspire more saints for gospel witness, please capture and share evangelism photos with us including selfies with folks you have conversations with! You can email any photos and captions to Admin at [email protected].